• 16. 07. 2024
  • 14:30 - 17:00 h
  • Saalbach

German course for advanced learners A2

German language course for advanced learners A2


In this language course, employees of the Glemmtal companies who already have knowledge of German at level A1 will learn the German language in greater depth.

Concrete contents:

  • Giving reasons; telling about everyday experiences, telling about mishaps in everyday life
  • Give details of places: Where ... ? Where to ...?
  • Give directions; understand messages and rules in houses.
  • Indicate frequency: How often ... ? Naming things in the household
  • Expressing conditions; giving advice
  • Understand written messages at work; make telephone calls at work; understand a factual text and talk about work and free time
  • Plan a party and talk about parties
  • Making conversation in a restaurant

The focus is on vocabulary relevant to employees in the tourism, hotel and mountain railway sectors.


Aim of the course: Consolidation and expansion of German language skills 


Organisation: Thurners Bildunghaus


The course starts on 09.07.2024 and runs for 4 weeks (24 lessons).

If desired and interested, an extension of the course up to the attainment of an Austrian Language Diploma ÖSD A2 is possible.


Exact dates: 09.07., 11.07., 16.07., 18.07., 23.07., 25.07., 30.07., 01.08. - tuesdays & thursdays from 2:30-5:00pm

Places are limited to 12 participants


Who for: All Home of Lässig TEAM Card Members with pre-registration - Free of charge

The course with the language level A2 is intended for people who already have previous knowledge of German at the level A1


Where: Toursimusverband Saalbach Hinterglemm, Glemmtaler Landesstr. 550, 5753 Saalbach


Registration: please contact Alexandra at a.steiner@saalbach.com by 26.06.24 at the latest

German course for advanced learners A2

Glemmtaler Landesstr. 550, 5753 Saalbach