• 30. 01. 2025 - 10. 04. 2025
  • 18:00 - 19:15 h
  • Saalbach

Hatha Yoga

Future dates of this event

Hatha yoga is one of the oldest and most popular forms of yoga that has been practiced for thousands of years.

In this type of yoga, physical exercises, also known as asanas, are combined with special breathing techniques, pranayama.

The term “hatha” comes from Sanskrit and means “strength”. The exercises in hatha yoga are designed to strengthen and stabilize the body.


In a typical Hatha Yoga class, you move slowly from one pose to the next, coordinating your breathing with the respective movements. Tension is balanced out by relaxation phases. The aim of hatha yoga is to bring body and mind into harmony, create stability and increase your own well-being.


Especially after a stressful day at work, hatha yoga can help you to calm down and recharge your batteries by relaxing your body and bringing balance to your mind.


Instructor: Elisabeth Huber www.federleicht-yoga-hypnose.at


Who for: All HOL TEAM Card members - free of charge


Time: 6 - 7:15pm.


Where: PHYSIO Glemmtal; Glemmtaler Landesstr. 341c, 5753 Saalbach


Registration: at Elisabeth by email or phone: federleicht.yoga.hypnose@gmail.com / +43/664 3603059

Hatha Yoga

Glemmtaler Landesstr. 341c, 5753 Saalbach