• Toboggan runs
  • Winter outdoor activities

Daytime Sled Run Asitz



Free use of the L8 Alm lift 4-seater in Leogang with valid ski ticket (not including sled rental).

Start: L1 Asitz lift middle station (Stöcklalm), Destination: Forsthofalm

Operating times:



Current status: Tobogganing on the Asitz


Toboggan rental per day:  € 8.00
Deposit per toboggan: € 10.00

For your own safety: For safety reasons the toboggan rail can only operate as the same time as the lift. We will not transport your own toboggan or winter equipment.

One-way tickets are available for visitors without a valid ski pass:

Asitz lift + Alm lift 4-seater:

  Adults Children (born 2008-2017)*
One-way ticket € 30.00 € 14.50
Half-day ticket
(1:00 pm to 4:00 pm)
€ 36.00 € 17.00

Alm lift 4-seater:

  Adults Children (born 2008-2017)*
One-way ticket € 12.00 € 5.50
Half-day ticket
(1:00 pm to 4:00 pm)
€ 21.00 € 9.50

* Photo-ID is required!

Daytime Sled Run Asitz

L1 Asitzbahn
Hütten 39, 5771 Leogang