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Großglockner Glacier Railway
The travel begins at Franz-Josef-Höhe. Until 1030 the glacier edge reached this point. The first 144 vertical meters are easily reached by the glacier cableway up to the valley station (= Gletscherstand 1960). During a walking tour, you can continue the time travel from 1960 to the present, exploring the fascinating world of “eternal ice”. After a short rail journey and an interesting hike, you reach the Pasterze, the largest glacier in the Eastern Alps. Eight kilometres of eternal ice is visible at the Großglockner. An educational trail takes you to crevasses, streams, and glacier mills. Ice once reached the mountain station of the railway, yet has significantly retreated over the last decades. As the glacial striations testify. You can witness nature’s violence effect at Großglockner glacier railway.
Opening hours:
02.07. till 03.09.2023 daily opened
Großglockner Glacier Railway
Hof 94, 9844 Heiligenblut