- Cuisine
Worlds best 'Pofesn'
A musical cooking guide to the world's best Pofesn! Of course, they succeed best when you sing along loudly the set recipe of the Glemmer band "Happy Hoagascht"! (Video below) If you’re a reader from outside the Alps, you’re probably thinking “Come again?!” No worries — we’ll be happy to clear it all up for you: Generally speaking, “Hoagascht” refers to a social gathering, ideally accompanied by musical entertainment. This is where the band “Happy Hoagascht” comes in, because the four guys from the Glemmtal valley — Schipfi, Ludi, Flo and Mucki — have dedicated themselves to creating music based on their local dialect and sing about themes such as life in the countryside, sweet talk and the local customs. Their favourite food: Pofesn. And this is why they have now dedicated an entire song to the meal. Pofesn are slices of white bread with plum jam that are pan-fried in beaten egg. In other words, the kind of hearty dessert your grandma would make. Now, let’s move on to a set of cooking instructions of a different sort:
How is that for a taste of the regional Pinzgau dialect? For all those who prefer their recipes written rather than performed, here are the original lyrics and their translations.
“Sogst amoi za deina Freindin
I lod di ein zan essn
Noand mochst ia wos gonz speziells
Und des nennt si pofesn
Sei duad des a hausmannskost
Fan pinzga do duats kemma
Brauchn duast nua wos dafi
Fad kia, fan föd, fad henna
Nimmst fa tupper ware her
A bissei an gressan deigl
Sochn wosd fia des nit brauchst sand
Gowi, klopfer, brettl”
Up until this point, you haven’t missed out on much of the actual cooking instructions. This part of the song introduces — like any recipe would — the right list of ingredients: Good company and ingredients that are “fad kia, fan föd, fad henna” — in other words, from the cow, from the field and from the chicken!
"3 eier und oan schuss rum
25 dag möh
1 haferl müch, vanillezucker
Soiz nimst so noch gfüh
Noand schmeisst du des gonze zeug
In a schissei grea, göb, roat
Nochand brauchst du nu dafi
A packei mit toastbrot
Toastbrot in da mittn schneidn
Mit mamalad beschmiern
Währenddessen duad ma noand
Den doign do im Hefn drei umrian"
Now, we’re finally getting down to business. Add three eggs, a shot of rum, 25 decagrams (250 grams) of flour, a glass of milk, vanilla sugar and salt into a bowl. Spread the plum jam on the toast.
"Nochand nimst a pfandl her
Mit oana schicht aus teflon
Drin mochst a öl noand hoas
Wichtig feuermelder am plafon
Toastbrot zomlegn in doug eitauchn
In da fettn goidbraun brotn
Mit an glasei müch und stabzucker
Servieren ku i nua rotn"
And now for the grand finale: Dip the jam-covered toast into the beaten eggs and fry them in a pan with some oil until they are golden-brown. Happy Hoagascht recommends “a glasei much” (a glass of milk) and icing sugar to go with the Pofesn!
Wonn gibsn wieder amoi pofesn
Wann gibt’s denn wieder mal pofesn
“Mahlzeit!” Enjoy!